Bucket List
Definition (one of many):
Definition (one of many):
A "Bucket list" is a list you make with friends of things you always say your going to do and don't. Not before you die...just for fun
I've decided that I need to set some goals - big and small - for myself for this coming year. These are not resolutions as everyone knows that when you set resolutions for yourself on New Years Eve, they hardly ever pan out. No, these are my To Dos; my bucket list for this year.
These are things that are measurable by actual results. I'm writing them here as a means to keep track of my progress. As I finish items on this list, I will update them here. For now, here it goes - in no particular order:
1. Read/Finish 10 books:
a. f.
b. g.
c. h.
d. i.
e. j.
2. See 4 movies in the theater
3. Attend 2 Theater Productions
4. Get My Passport
5. Visit a state that I have never been.
6. Complete Event Management Certificate
7. Volunteer 12 times at the Scott County Humane Society
8. Help build a house with Habitat for Humanity
9. Loose 30 pounds.
10. Finish Organizing my Craft Room.
11. Stop biting my nails/fingers
12. Get a second tattoo.
13. Learn 10 new recipes. (new to me)
14. Learn to knit a hat.
15. Knit and donate 10 hats to area organization.
16. Get up to date on Dexter and Madmen.
17. Go to California to meet my new Niece or Nephew.
18. Learn to Crochet.
19. Start and Finish new bedroom quilt (Sara Lommen, this one is for both you and I).
20. Plant an herb garden in my house.
21. Plant a garden outside my house.
22. Learn Conversational Spanish (this one has been on the list for a while... let's see if I can do it this year! :) )
23. Clean and Sort through all of my pictures.
24. Organize and Condense all of my burned CDs
25. Get a goldfish and name is Cleo.